Shosai World


1949-52 People of Culture - Writers

Content under development. Souseki was featured on the Y1,000 banknote from 1984-2004. Higuchi Ichiyou has been featured on the Y5,000 bank note from 2004.

Natsume Souseki 1867-1916
Higuchi Ichiyou 1872-1896
Mori Oogai 1862-1922


1949-52 People of Culture - Poets

Content under development.

Ubouchi Syouyou 1859-1935
Masaoka Shiki 1867-1902
Terada Torahiko 1878-1935


1949-52 People of Culture - Artists

Content under development.

Ichikawa Danjyuurou IX
Actor of the foremost guild of the Kabuki theatre.
Kanou Hougai 1828-1888
Hishida Syunsou 1874-1911
Painter following the Western Style. His 1910 picture of a Black Cat was featured in Modern Art series of 1979-80.
1979 Modern Art 3rd series - Black Cat